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Last comments - Communal Albatrone
The Bleaaargh burb...!1847 viewsFor when all else had fail be the shout of Bleaaargh...! 1 commentsDykesy Send PMadmin: BLEEAARR
Fucking snow burb.JPG
Fucking snow burb73 viewsArrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what an snow does and cold. Feel the icy breathed as this burb be the chilled and chewed of all who viewed...1 commentsDykesy Send PMmillipig: when the my awakes from deep slumber all florr pai...
Christmasburb73 viewsHaapy fucking Christmas Green bard....1 commentsDykesy Send PMmillipig: oh but the nooooo... for one more annum we here no...
Shockerburb65 viewsWhen the thunder sound late at night be the not outside go'er unless you want an shocked from this powerful and most evil of burbs... Clapped of thunder be the warn for take cover or the no've will be the happen to the you've...1 commentsDykesy Send PMadmin: Lol've
Beetleburb126 viewsTo do stampy on this burb had the very fail for you and your votre............... spiken head.... puncture foot and the arrghhh is all that you'cn expecting for how you did!!2 commentsdy357lx2k Send PMdy357lx2k: This file need to have delete forever from everywh...
BE THE BURB85 viewsEvolving the burbs are...... so we must do the copy and paste EVOLVE EVOLVE
4 commentsShaniac Send PMadmin: These that evolve is has, it show you've the r...
Heartenedburb28 viewsFlappy in circles goe'd this burb, confused and happy it wont be the lived long for evil will prevail...2 commentsDykesy Send PMdy357lx2k: Haha agreed. I have to admitting i think this one ...
THE SCARLET PIMPERBURB12 viewsWhen the time of the darkness hath arrive, the one who the sexy time would like to be made with from you, she emerse from the mortal body SUCCUBUS the arrrrg is being shouted, NOOOO SCARLET PIMPERNESSBURB run run so the man with the spikey headed can do the munch bunch with the one with the sexy time body1 commentsShaniac Send PMadmin: Awesomed
D56 viewsD is for Doggy dog2 commentsdy357lx2k Send PMadmin: Also, whichn't wayed they look
Fonebatrone19 viewsWho ya gonna call...????2 commentsDykesy Send PMadmin: Green bard
Leanatrone19 viewsUpright = NO!!! 2 commentsdy357lx2k Send PMadmin: Deserve a voting for the describe alone!
Angryest27 viewsWhy does these angry you've maked?1 commentsdy357lx2k Send PMdy357lx2k: These are how member Dykesy had looking how yester...
Clubanarmburb18 viewsBe the run from the giant arm which would be the squish and the squash of what you have... Arrrrrrgh Smashy smashy...1 commentsDykesy Send PMShaniac: best work for the not
Kalkentrone61 viewsOh all of tho've iv'nt the look't like cow'd now began these and them mooooooo'v3 commentsdy357lx2k Send PMadmin: Yes they did! "Roll up, Roll up" getting...
Greynscaledtrone32 viewsColoured?? Ohh how no had!! Be run....1 commentsdy357lx2k Send PMadmin: Like in an olden day like when motion picture didn...
Curlbeakaburb72461 viewsBooten'd foot and "oh how a very curlen beak'd" all for these burb to did kick and have chew of how you!!1 commentsdy357lx2k Send PMadmin: Ooooh the booted, boot and booting! This they kick...
Purpledheadedbatrone23 viewsWhen looking up an what night sky has... There this magical giant creature be the soar and fly and roar and hiss...1 commentsDykesy Send PMadmin: Thought they has swimming and swim, not the flap a...
Swirlyburb16 viewsWhy had he anger??? How'wd your've'd walked??? Well??...................... Exact mine point!!!1 commentsdy357lx2k Send PMadmin: These has the difficult walk when whichn't way...
Blockburb15 viewsBlinded eye've in battle gone by this fearless burb will strive to end of all who oppose1 commentsDykesy Send PMadmin: Oh the no! Blocks and blocking from unieye burb th...
Musicalburbs57 viewsWhen an silence is cast from the fears of burbs and trone attacks the none peaceful burbs will be the remind of what you fear could the be....1 commentsDykesy Send PMadmin: This've't'b your an finest moments unt...
Burb-billed-albatwing-trone36 viewsThe Breeding of season for burbs has comensing now, and have borning the birth of the burb-billed-albatwing-trone.... streets it has been spotted........ fields it has been spotting....... IN YOUR BED IT HATH BEEN SPOTTING...... Check before the Zs or burb-billed-albatwing-trone will be stealing your place of the napping3 commentsShaniac Send PMadmin: That is why've the my's bed check!
Spykertrone25 viewsCareful when out in the not daytime, the spykertrone will be the unflyed and point and stab of what you have... When looking up at what star shooting is remember to be not the catcher of the eyed of Spyker or attacked will be the happen.3 commentsDykesy Send PMadmin: Biblical was the my about you also having bible ch...
Boxing batrone re-visited.jpg
Boxerbatrone19 viewsas the boxing burb be so shit revisited is the boxerbatrone! so if fighting is the must need of nation of burbs, be there one champ boxerburb flys like a "redbulltrone" stings like an "angertrone" and...... whack ... boom ... bang ... out is lights go...... over! win! champ still is Boxertrone!! wooooo... alll hail cheers of one cheer!2 commentsmillipig Send PMdy357lx2k: Cheers of one cheer lol've!!! Im the cheer!!
Arghhhhhhhhtroney48 views6 commentsrebbecca69 Send PMdy357lx2k: BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!! I mean very well done to how yo...
Happy birthday batrone.jpg
Happy birthday batrone20 viewsFor when but once per anum he she is born again was then, you buy must meet happy birthday batrone, he shall count in his hair your years past and blow blow blow until all darkness reighns again! 1 commentsmillipig Send PMadmin: Very good. In particular, the attention to detail ...
Jim19 viewsUnknown capacity, Must function, Delete, Delete all life2 commentslouisb Send PMadmin: These has crap!
Albatronespenisfluffer20 viewsi will fluff u 1 commentsrebbecca69 Send PMmillipig: i would like you to fluff me!
Mongbetrone23 viewsBe an aware for when this hideous creature be the stalk you should be what shree has...1 commentsDykesy Send PMmillipig: tis mirror like looking in...
78 files on 3 page(s) 1

Current albatrone populations = UNBIBLICAL

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